Professional communication services for business and government.

Hi. I’m Kate Hildebrandt, sole proprietor of Kwriter Communications.
I develop content and digital marketing strategies. I also provide a range of writing and editing services. Almost all of my work is drawn from a suite of communications skills I’ve acquired from 25+ years of work in this sector.
Sometimes I teach these skills, too.
My approach involves considerable research up front so I understand my target audience before I try connecting. Facts validated by stories from those on the front lines enable the most credible, persuasive content.
Here are some examples that demonstrate how teams I’ve worked with sorted out communication problems by using this approach –
ITFO Communications – 2022

1: When key findings from that extensive research were overwhelming.
The client had an impressive bank of research yet the unit’s team struggled to articulate their key messaging. This is not an uncommon problem. They had numerous findings that supported their plan to introduce AI to financial investment advisers, but couldn’t agree on what worked best. I was hired to solve this problem. I did so by combing through their content, pulling together messaging by category and preparing a series of documents for their review. I also matched selected findings with other test studies on what mattered most to financial advisers, the key players. I used their language, backed with research statistics, to define the key messaging. This helped readers understand how AI enabled financial advisors to deliver an unequaled level of service. Photo: Accenture.
University of Victoria – 2020

2: When that pandemic lockdown pushed a national nursing conference online.
I took this photo as we started livestreaming the 2020 UVic School of Nursing annual conference with more than 150 registrants signed in from across the country all all levels of authority, from recent graduates to health authority directors. Held on the 100th birthday of Florence Nightingale, a social reformer who founded, taught and practiced modern nursing, UVic Nursing led their first-ever digital conference after a flurry of lockdown orders almost cancelled the event. The pandemic prioritized web-based skills for us all and, as this example showed, we followed our audiences in a heartbeat. Credit: Video and streaming services by One Island Media. Photo: Kate Hildebrandt.
Government of BC – 2016

3: When that royal announcement needed a new website asap.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge came to Bella Bella, B.C., as guests of the Heiltsuk Nation to announce an agreement protecting the Great Bear Rainforest under the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy. This event unfolded shortly after our team completed the website profiling this historic tribe, their land and this global conservation plan. As a content writer retained by the Ministry of Forests and the B.C. Government, my teammates and I worked intensely under considerable pressure, sworn to secrecy to build a website for all the world to see. This was a fast-track project and the Royal Visit had yet to be announced. Here is the site, now with a refreshed design – Great Bear Rainforest -and here is the companion piece, a teaching tool produced after the fact by another team, offering a range of free learning resources – Great Bear Rainforest educational site. Photo: WPA Pool/Getty Images North America.